An aneurysm causes danger to one’s existence. If an abdominal aneurysm ruptures, it can bleed and ache severely, therefore, the aneurysm symptoms are easily identifiable. If the condition is left untreated, stomach aneurysm can lead to death. Also, an aneurysm near the heart may result in
Fomentation: Amazing Benefits Of This Panchakarma Treatment

Swedana, also known as fomentation therapy is a panchakarma treatment that pacifies the aggravated Vata in your body. The word Sweda is a Sanskrit word that means ‘to sweat or perspire.’ The process, therefore, encourages sweat production leading to the removal of toxins in the
Cure Slipped Disc Symptoms With These Ayurvedic Remedies

Discs located in your spine help absorb shocks caused in one’s daily routine. These are made up of a soft gelatin-like material covered by a hard ring. But, when the inner portion weakens, it leads to a herniated disc a.k.a. slipped disc. The slipped disc
Postpartum Depression: 5 Herbs To Defeat Depression Post Pregnancy

Postpartum depression a.k.a. postnatal depression is a feeling of dislike as well as discontent towards one’s baby after pregnancy. New mothers usually experience baby blues after 4 to 5 days of birth. However, this duration is subjective to the psyche of the mother. Postnatal depression
Hypothermia Treatment: Drinks To Increase Your Body Temperature

Hypothermia is a state in which your body temperature tends to decline. Staying in a cold climate, being in the snow for long or undertaking activities such as ice skating are a few common hypothermia causes. Among the major hypothermia symptoms is frostbite, wherein the treatment
Bed Sores (Pressure Ulcers): Symptoms, Preliminary Care & Treatment

Bed sores, also called pressure ulcers, are wounds that you may develop upon being immobile or bedridden. These are extremely painful and damaging for the skin cells. They may also develop due to other medical illnesses. Depending upon the severity, bed sores symptoms may differ
Home Remedies For Yeast Infection: Easy & Effective

Yeast infection is a type of fungal infection that usually develops in the mouth, throat, blood, and in the genital areas. Also known as Candidiasis, it results from a type of yeast called candida. This yeast lives on our bodies in tiny amounts. Candida prefers moist as well as warm areas of
Aromatherapy Oils For Stress Relief: You’ll Be Thankful You Tried!

Aromatherapy is an ancient and powerful technique that’s been used in Ayurveda for a long time now. This therapy relies on essential oils derived from plants that have potent medicinal properties. They can therefore do wonders for mental health conditions like anxiety, insomnia, and depression.
Leucorrhoea Treatment in Ayurveda: Home Remedies and Diet Suggestions

Pathological leucorrhoea is a thick, yellowish foul smelling vaginal discharge that often brings with it symptoms like vaginal itchiness, fatigue, weakness, headache, and digestive problems. In Ayurveda, this is called ‘shveta pradar’, which translates to white discharge. We want to assure you that it’s nothing
How To Stop Stammering? Try These Natural, Ayurvedic Solutions!

Stammering is a real struggle that affects people right from their childhood all the way until adulthood, if not treated correctly. People who stammer face difficulties in speaking comprehensive words. They often get stuck in the middle of conversations. Many of them also get teased and bullied as children. But, with age