Bhakti yoga is a path of yoga mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita, one of India’s most sacred ancient books. What is Bhakti yoga? Also known as ‘yoga of love’, this type of yoga is all about devotion and unconditional love for the divine. It involves
Om Mantra Chanting: What Is It? Why Do It? And How?

The Om mantra is popular across the world. With roots in ancient Indian spiritual practice, this mantra has been mentioned in yogic texts, Hindu scriptures like the Vedas and Upanishads, and also forms an important part of Buddhist mantra practice. And anyone who has practised
Know about Scientific Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is a practice where your mind enters a realm of nothingness. It involves taking a break from “doing”, and just being still. Here, you can experience profound peace and restfulness. This state of rest goes even beyond deep sleep. Practitioners around the world swear
Unleash Your Power With The Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra, also called Manipura Chakra, is the third of the 7 chakras or prime energy centres. For those who are completely new to the 7 chakras, here’s a brief explanation: Chakras are prime energy centres of the body where many nadis pass through, causing vortexes of energy. Nadis are streams
How To Balance Your Heart Chakra For Love And Healing

The Heart Chakra, also known as Anahata, is the fourth of the seven prime chakras. As the name suggests, the centre of the chest is the Heart Chakra location. This is the energy centre of love – both towards others and yourself. Opening and balancing
Top 10 Meditation Apps For Peaceful, Happy And Healthy Living

Meditation apps are all the rage, and for all the right reasons. Packed with interesting and interactive features, these tools bring meditation into your daily life – and most of them are designed especially for people who are always on the run. You can rely
How To Strengthen An Underactive Root a.k.a Muladhar Chakra

Located at your tailbone, your root or Muladhar chakra is the centre of primal energy. This chakra associates with the Earth element. So, in balancing it lies the key to having a strong foundation in your physical surroundings. A well functioning Root chakra brings grounding, confidence,
25 Buddha Quotes That Inspire A Healthier Body, Mind And Soul

Buddhism and Ayurveda share a strong connection. Buddhist monks played a vital role in carrying the wisdom of Ayurveda with them to other parts of Asia, since they practised many common techniques themselves. Both have similar concepts about the elements and the human body. And as far
24 Inspirational Quotes About Life

In the hustle of modern living, it’s easy to lose sight of our true purpose and feel disconnected with the universe. Do you need a ray of hope, the motivation to keep going, or something to rekindle your positivity? Give these inspirational quotes about life
How the Seven Chakras Shape You and Your Life

The concept of the chakras is popular in eastern systems like yoga, Buddhism, Qi Gong and Hinduism. The Sanskrit word ‘chakra’ translates to ‘wheel’. Simply put, chakras are vortexes of energy in the subtle body. They form where many ‘nadis’ (subtle energy channels resembling nerves) come