Are you someone whose work includes physical exertion? Do you often find yourself engaging in heated arguments? The reason could be heightened body temperature and a Pitta imbalance. According to Ayurveda, the heat inside the body can result in irritation as well as other negative
Try These Core Yoga Poses To Build Your Core Strength

Yoga proves to be an exceptional workout for core strength training. Health benefits of the same go way beyond the mat. Core yoga poses not only engage your abdominal muscles but also help develop strength for the entire body. These support your front, back, hips,
Yoga For Digestion Issues: Twist & Turn Your Way To Greater Gut Health

‘Bad digestion is the root of all evil.’ ~ Anonymous Yoga for digestion related problems is a miracle. It properly metabolizes the food you eat as well as corrects the balance of your doshas. Working late hours, improper diet and a lack of physical activity decrease
Confidence Building Exercises For People With Low Esteem

What are confidence building exercises? They are a combination of yoga as well as meditation. To build up your inner strength, yoga helps fight the associated difficulties. So, when the body is fit and healthy, it brings positive energy. People start seeing themselves as better
Kundalini Yoga: Here’s How It Awakens The Feminine Energy

“You must understand that you are a woman. When you write it, you should write it like this: I AM A WOMAN. That is how powerful kundalini yoga is.” ` Yogi Bhajan The teachings of Kundalini Yoga are transformative as well as divine. These instill
Archer Pose (Akarna Dhanurasana): Providing Strength And Confidence

Archer pose is one of the major Hatha yoga poses. It offers various physical as well as psychological benefits. If you’re suffering from back pain, joint pain, weak muscles or abdominal pain, Akarna Dhanurasana can benefit you immensely. Even women facing menstrual difficulties can find relief
Yoga For A Cough: An Absolute Cure With Ayurveda

Having cough and cold is one of the most unpleasant experiences throughout one’s lifetime. However, nothing can cure your problems the way breathing exercises and yoga poses for cough can! They help phlegm drain out of your body, and thus also get rid of toxins. Yoga for a cough
5 Common Myths About Yoga – Did You Believe Any Of These?

There’s a lot of yoga hype around the globe these days. However, only some of it has anything to do with the true nature of this traditional practice. A majority of it all are common myths about yoga floating here and there. Therefore, now is the
Yoga basics for beginners

Yoga basics for beginners are nothing too complex. And it really doesn’t matter what your age or flexibility level is, yoga is easy and is for everyone. It is a doorway that leads towards attaining harmony which would have otherwise been lost in the middle of those