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- 1. Wash it off!
- 2. Excuse me!
- 3. Masquerade
- 4. Coronavirus, touch me not!
- 5. Disinfect it!
- 6. Be divided to stay united!Â
Coronavirus has come like a wild storm. Who would’ve thought a tiny virus has this much power! You can find so many guidelines shared throughout the world to prevent this from getting worse. When there is so much happening around us, we tend to lose track of the tiny details. And sometimes, it’s these smallest details that make the biggest difference.
Coronavirus Prevention
1. Wash it off!

Wash your hands ‘properly’! It seems like a simple thing we often overlook. And no, you do not need any fancy products. Simple soap and water can go a long way. Wash hands when outside, before eating and after returning home. Also, if you have sneezed or coughed, make sure you immediately wash your hands before touching anything else. Take at least 20 seconds to wash your hands. Do not miss the back of your hands, in between you fingers, and underneath your nails (especially for long nails). Wash upto your wrists and higher if possible. When in public, use alcohol-based sanitizers as an alternative.
2. Excuse me!

Sneezing or coughing is the most common way coronavirus can spread. The particles containing virus can shoot out and infect others. The best way to avoid this is to cover your nose and mouth while coughing or sneezing. Use your forearm to cover your nose and mouth while sneezing or choughing. Alternatively, use a tissue, which should be disposed appropriately. Wash hands immediately after.
3. Masquerade

Masks of different patterns, colours and styles are flooding the markets. Some even look trendy and fun! Although it is a must for caretakers, please do wear a mask in public spaces. Because you cannot control the proximity with others in public. The right kind of masks, if worn properly, block the particles of viruses from coming into contact with your nose or mouth. The most commonly recommended N95 masks can filter the air to upto 95%. Wash hands properly before touching the mask, and make sure to put it on correctly.
4. Coronavirus, touch me not!

It is easy to spread infection through touch. However, it is impossible to not touch different surfaces especially when travelling. And you may not have a chance to wash your hands each time. So just remember, do not touch your nose, mouth or eyes. If you feel the need to touch your face, make sure to wash your hands properly before doing so.
5. Disinfect it!

Disinfection isn’t only for public spaces. You can also carry out cleaning at your homes on a daily basis. Use disinfectants to wipe down surfaces that are frequently touched by multiple people. Disinfectants like those containing Clorox or bleach are recommended for the same. However, any heavy duty disinfectant can serve the purpose.
6. Be divided to stay united!

This is the number one rule for all people to prevent this pandemic from becoming worse: STAY HOME. We understand that there are things to be done, and work to be finished, but as far as possible, please try and stay home. Avoid gathering in groups anywhere. Even in public, maintain a safe distance. Don’t shake hands and avoid close proximity activities with others. Especially if you feel unwell even if not infected by coronavirus, limit your physical contact to others as much as possible.
Play your role!
Each of us plays an important role in managing this pandemic. No matter who you are or where you’re from, you can help. Each one of us has to be aware and vigilant. Follow the simple guildlines provided by our healthcare experts and make sure you are well-informed of the latest updates.
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