A human body has a natural pH balance. The food we eat also has a pH level. While a majority of food products are alkaline in nature i.e. having a pH scale above 7, several foods are acidic too (below pH 7). So, here we
Best Foods To Eat At Night: Have These For Optimal Health

Eating before bed is nothing less than consuming poison especially when its late-night. Ayurveda advises people to eat a light dinner at least two hours before sleeping. There are certain foods that Ayurveda disapproves of eating at night. But, there also are some of the
Pumpkin Benefits: These Are What Make It A Healing Superfood

Pumpkins may not be everyone’s favorite, but it indeed is high in nutrition. Pumpkin benefits the body in various ways. And, it’s in fact much more than a Halloween symbol. Kids love to carve it but definitely not eat it. But, check out these health
What Are The Best Alkaline Foods To Include In Your Daily Diet?

How many of you suffer from acidity, fatigue, and stress? A majority of the population suffers from these problems but not many of them know the reason. The increase in acid inside the stomach results in all such conditions. The solution is adopting an alkaline
Udvartana: Dry Powder Ayurvedic Massage Therapy

Udwarthanam a.k.a. Udvartana is a significant practice which is in use since ages. The therapy is particularly helpful in reducing obesity as well as other allied health problems. It is a special type of Abhyanga to help you get rid of toxins through the largest organ
Haridrakhand (Haridrakhandam): Ayurvedic Medicine For Allergy Relief

Haridrakhand also called as Haridrakhandam is a trusted and potent Ayurvedic remedy for skin and respiratory disorders. With the goodness of turmeric and several other herbs as well as spices, it helps get rid of ama (toxins). It’s an effective Ayurvedic medicine for allergy as
What Are The Best Herbs For Digestion Related Problems?

Maintaining your digestive health is essential. Not just the stomach but it affects your overall health. When stable, the digestive system regulates the functioning of all your organs. But if it’s the opposite, even your daily routine gets off the track. However, certain herbs for
15 Best Ayurveda Books: From Prakriti To Practicality – The List Has It All!

Without any further ado, let’s get right into the world of good reads. Here are the best Ayurveda books (in no particular order) for you to widen the horizons of your consciousness. Top Best Ayurveda Books 1. Ayurveda and Marma Therapy Jotted down by 3 different
Is Castor Oil Safe To Use? Here Are The Potential Castor Oil Side Effects!

Castor oil uses today are pretty evident especially for skin and hair health. It is since the ancient times that castor oil has been employed for both external as well as internal usage. However, experts recommend a controlled dosage so as to avoid the adverse
Are There Any Ashwagandha Side Effects? Here Are The Possible Ones!

No matter how powerful or healing a herb is, there always are chances of some sort of side effects to occur. Usually, ashwagandha has a synergistic impact on one’s body. However, an incorrect dosage can lead to severe ashwagandha side effects. Long term ashwagandha effects