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Weight loss isn’t about workouts alone. Diet plays a big role in enhancing your efforts. You don’t just have to pay attention to categorizing your meals but also on how you can get the liquids right. So, we bring to you a combination of 3 easy effective weight loss drinks that will help you lower the excess fat on your body. These are low in calories and make the weight loss process seem possible.
Tried And Tested Weight Loss Drinks
1. Fruit and Veggie Juices
One of the most effective weight loss drinks that you will ever add to your diet is a fruit and vegetable juice. It helps you maintain the essential balance required to sustain the weight loss journey. Have it with your breakfast, lunch or dinner. Add carrots, tomatoes, apples, bananas or spinach and some honey to sweeten the juice.
The juice keeps your metabolism active but ensure that you are sipping it throughout the day and not gulping it down all at once.
2. Lovely Lemonade
Lemonade diet is a master cleanser for your system and one of the best weight loss drinks to include in your routine. To around 1.4 litres of water, add at least 8-10 tbsp of freshly squeezed lemons and organic maple syrup or honey. Also, add half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and blend them all. Keep sipping the mix throughout the day and you’ll notice how it is the best liquid for weight loss.
3. The Great Grapefruit
Grapefruit is amongst the most powerful detox and weight loss drinks. It is revitalizing, instills absolute energy and is a great source of vitamin A. Blend a rip grapefruit along with cucumber and orange to result in a quick system cleanse leading to a better weight loss regime. Another method is to drink pure grapefruit juice with a slice of whole grain wheat bread along with every meal.
Important Considerations
The first and foremost tip to keep in mind about these weight loss drinks is that they must not replace your meals. There should be a balance between the solids you eat as well as the liquids you drink. In case you have any health issues, do not start over with any kind of liquid diet without medical supervision. Even the best weight loss drinks can often lack certain nutrients that you’ll have to gain from other edibles throughout the day and avoid certain diet mistakes.
So, what to drink to lose weight depends on every individual. But conduct the liquid diet for about a week and first ensure how your body responds to it. If you do not observe any negative consequences like dizziness, irregular heartbeat, fatigue or poor digestion, then you may carry on with your preferred drinks for weight loss.
Note: This article is solely for the purpose of sharing information. Please do not substitute it for professional medical advice. Ingredients discussed can interfere with certain medications. So before using anything to treat yourself, always consult your doctor.
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